Even though braces remain the most effective choice for orthodontic treatment in Florissant, Missouri, many patients can struggle with various problems, many of which can be avoided. To prepare ahead of time, please continue reading to discover the problems we often see with braces. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment with our Orthodontists to discuss these problems, please contact Kling Orthodontics at 314-837-5787.

Bad Breath — Keep your breath clean and fresh by staying on top of your cleanings to remove plaque and bacteria. Also, be mindful of the food you eat and practice good oral hygiene.

Broken Rubber Bands — If one of your rubber bands becomes loose or breaks, please contact our office to have them replaced. This must be done before the wire or brackets are impacted.

Cavities — When wearing braces, it can be difficult to clean your teeth, leaving you more at risk of developing a cavity. This often is the result of trapped food, bacteria and plaque found between your brackets. To lower your risk of cavities, we encourage you to use a special tool to brush around your brackets and make sure everything stays clean.

Discomfort — After your braces have been placed, you may experience some soreness and slight discomfort within the first week. This is completely normal. To help ease your discomfort, you are welcome to take acetaminophen and apply a warm washcloth to reduce soreness.

Gum Disease — Because braces make it difficult to clean around the gums, it increases the risk of bacteria building up along your gumline. This can lead to inflammation, which is a sign of gum disease. During a visit to our office, we will show you how to correctly clean your teeth.

Loose Brackets — If you end up having a loose bracket, please contact us right away. In the meanwhile, we recommend applying a special wax around and on top of the bracket as you wait to come in. If there is a time when you need to cut a wire in case of an emergency, use a pair of fingernail clippers that have been sterilized with alcohol.

Poking Wires or Irritations — If you experience a wire poking your cheeks or gums, we recommend using a cotton swab or an eraser to move it away. If the wire will not move, try placing a small cotton ball or special wax at the end of it to ease irritation. If the wire is continuing to give you problems, you may have to cut it with pair of nail clippers sterilized in alcohol.

Lost Separators — It is not uncommon for patients to lose a separator during treatment. If this becomes the case for you, please contact our office for a replacement.

If you find yourself experiencing these problems and need assistance, please give us a call.